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 BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!!

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5 posters

Broj poruka : 3
Godina : 42
Lokacija : Brazil
Datum upisa : 06.08.2008

BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Empty
PočaljiNaslov: BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!!   BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Icon_minitimeSre 6 Avg - 2:01

Hello there!

My name is Carlos and i´m from Brazil. I have a BLOG about the beetles. Every day i post images, subjects, curiously and all about the beetle around the world. I need a help about your Country´s Beetle. I would like know if there was a especial serie of the beetles of country and need pictures of the beetles to put in my BLOG to divulg for the brazians and all Latin america. I hope help of you.

My BLOG: http://paixaoporfusca.blogspot.com

OBS: In my blog have a instant message to invite for me.
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
dr. VW
dr. VW

Broj poruka : 1438
Godina : 41
Lokacija : Beograd
Datum upisa : 02.06.2007

BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!!   BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Icon_minitimeSre 6 Avg - 11:05

hello Carlos and welcomee to our VW air cooled comunity

yes there was a special serie of beetles that were produced in our country ( actuallly former SRF Yugoslavia -Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia ), models that were produced ( or i should better say assembled ) here were 1200 J and 1303 J ( in Europe these cars were 1303A ) both of these models were something like a standard model , but even with lesser equipment

as I sad before these car were onlt assembled in Yu. , and only a few things , like side glasses , battery etc. were made here in Yugoslavia , other things were made in Germany and only assembled here

I myself own a 1200J beetle, but i do not have pictures of my car before I did a complete body reparation and painting , here are my two themes about bodywork, there you will find somw pictures, i hope that you can use some of them for your blog, and I'm sorry because of that I do not have any original pictures of my car , before it was painted



hope to hear you soon lol!
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
dr. VW
dr. VW

Broj poruka : 899
Godina : 32
Lokacija : Gornji Milanovac
Datum upisa : 03.03.2008

BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!!   BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Icon_minitimeSre 6 Avg - 14:53

VWelcome Carlos cheers cheers cheers
Lesser equipment also included: small headliner, single speed wipers, no ventilation system, no headrests and no chrome trim on window seals...

here it says that by 1976. 31 667 beetles were manufactured.
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
Vazdušno hlađeni mozak
Vazdušno hlađeni mozak

Broj poruka : 728
Godina : 65
Lokacija : Sopot
Datum upisa : 08.02.2008

BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!!   BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Icon_minitimeSre 6 Avg - 20:09

Hello from me Carlos,Vlajko05 explained you all you wanted to know.Pictures you are interested in you can find on this forum but you will need some time to find them becouse of the language.If you are interested in anything particular just say and ill help you out.One more VW greet
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
dr. VW
dr. VW

Broj poruka : 1446
Godina : 46
Lokacija : belgrad[e]
Datum upisa : 02.06.2007

BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!!   BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Icon_minitimeČet 7 Avg - 0:52

ingonoko ::
Hello there!
I would like know if there was a especial serie of the beetles of country and need pictures of the beetles to put in my BLOG to divulg for the brazians and all Latin america. I hope help of you.


you will not find a special* series of beetles in ex-yugoslavia vw factory.

btw, why you post picture from my blog without permission? Laughing Wink

*special as, for example we can find on: http://www.sebeetles.com/ [link from your blog]
Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Broj poruka : 3
Godina : 42
Lokacija : Brazil
Datum upisa : 06.08.2008

BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Information about special series and many images   BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Icon_minitimeNed 10 Avg - 16:58


I need someone that explain me the special series, what´s years the special series, name e images of special series models. Few people know the volkswagen models of the Yoguslavia. I want view for all the beetles your country also special. I want view models of friends here of the forum. But for this i need:

Especification model:
Year model:
Owner name:
Location live:
Images(inside and outside and engine)
Little history of your beetle.

Many latin american acess the BLOG. I want to view them the models o the Youguslavia. I hope your help.

Send me this information in my email: carloseduardo.bernardes@gmail.com

Thanks for all!!
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
dr. VW
dr. VW

Broj poruka : 899
Godina : 32
Lokacija : Gornji Milanovac
Datum upisa : 03.03.2008

BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!!   BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Icon_minitimeNed 10 Avg - 22:16

May I post my slightly modified 1200J Rolling Eyes
Nisam mogao da odolim Embarassed
Nazad na vrh Ići dole

Broj poruka : 3
Godina : 42
Lokacija : Brazil
Datum upisa : 06.08.2008

BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Send me your beetle´s images   BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Icon_minitimeUto 12 Avg - 3:32

Yes Friend!

Send me your images and the information that i solicited the last post. I hope your help!!

see ya!!
Nazad na vrh Ići dole
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BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Empty
PočaljiNaslov: Re: BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!!   BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!! Icon_minitime

Nazad na vrh Ići dole
BLOG for Beetlemaniacs!!
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